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This session will primarily be in te reo Pākehā.

Wini Geddes sees workforce possibilities for whānau and makes them happen. She is a director of Tāne Mahuta Aotearoa NZ Ltd and Tio Ohiwa Oysters Ltd, whānau-owned companies focused on tourism, environmental protection, science research and mahi in the primary industries. Wini trains, certifies, and employs rangatahi of Mataatua on their own moana and whenua. She creates opportunities through her business Whare Ako Mahi, and her multiple industry-based training kaupapa including Māori LWYE™(Learn While You Earn).

With our facilitator Hinerangi Edwards also involved in national workforce development governance, prepare for a dynamic discussion on Wini’s diverse career path, and on workforce development trends affecting Māori RRSIT (Rangahau, Research, Science, Technology and Innovation).

Ka rere te reo Māori i tēnei whakawhitinga kōrero. | This session will be in Te Reo Māōri.

Te Reo Māori

Ko te whai mārama ki te whakamahinga o te reo Māori ki ngā whakatupuranga, ko te whakarauora i te reo hoki ētahi tino whāinga o Tākuta Awanui Te Huia, tētehi pouako matua o Te Kawa a Māui, kei Te Herenga Waka.

Mā ngā kōrero a Awanui tātou e whakakipakipa ki te kaupare i ngā aupēhi ā-reo, ā, kia whakatakoto rautaki kia pakari ai tātou ki te kōrero Māori.

Te Reo Pākehā

Understanding intergenerational use of te reo Māori, and how we achieve Māori language revitalisation are primary research foci of Dr. Awanui Te Huia, senior lecturer, Te Kawa a Māui, Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University.

While learning about Awanui’s own reo journey, her career path and current research, this mātanga talk will inspire us to bust through language trauma and strategise to speak te reo Māori more regularly.

Peter-Lucas Jones, CEO of Te Hiku Media, is a world leader in utilising AI to support language revitalisation. Recently recognised in Time Magazine’s 100 AI list for 2024, join us to hear how his upbringing in Te Tai Tokerau, background in creative practice and lifelong curiosity around innovation makes him the person he is today.

Our Facilitators

Hinerangi Edwards

Kiwa Hammond


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