Kanapu has developed various rauemi from our range of initiatives. As a koha to you and your hapori, please download a version of any rauemi you believe will be of benefit. Many of these rauemi have been developed by, or in collaboration with, AATEA Solutions. More to come in the future!
Understanding the RRSIT sector
The kupu RRSIT (Rangahau, Research, Science, Innovation, Technology) is not used by many, but is a sector that hapori Māori operate in. Kanapu has attempted to clarify languaging around RRSIT, so that more people can see themselves as being a part of these spaces. After reading through our rauemi, we hope you can agree that research stretches far beyond academia and technology is not limited to computers.

If you or anyone in your whānau are doing mahi in these spaces, Kanapu was developed to support you. Be sure to check out our initiatives to fully utilise our services and create connections around the RRSIT network.
Funding & Resources Links
If you would like us to include your organisation, please email us at kiaora@kanapu.maori.nz.
Request a copy of He Kura Nō Te Ao Atua
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