Kanapu is a Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga initiative designed by Māori, for Māori to ignite talent and leadership across Rangahau, Research, Science, Innovation & Technology (RRSIT). Kanapu aims to provide support to Māori who aspire to, or may already operate in this sector, whether it be on marae, within hapū and iwi mahi, or throughout our hapori in the cities.
Kanapu have several free, online initiatives:
Hui Hihiri: National Online Wānanga
Te Ako Rau: Mentoring programme
Tūhono Rau Tangata: Mātanga talks
Tūhono Rau Tangata: Masterclasses
Māori are fundamental to a vibrant Rangahau, Research, Science, Innovation & Technology (RRSIT) sector. Find out more about how you or your whānau may already be operating in these spaces.
Upcoming events
18 September
Tūhono Rau Tangata – Mātanga talk
Associate Professor, Waikaremoana Waitoki
30 September
Te Ako Rau – Hōtaka 4 starts
Finishes 11 November
16 October
Tūhono Rau Tangata – Masterclass
Applying for Research Funding: Strategies for Success
6 November
Tūhono Rau Tangata – Mātanga talk
Karl Wixon
4 December
Tūhono Rau Tangata – Mātanga talk
Jade Kake
20 January
Te Ako Rau – Hōtaka 5 starts
Finishes 24 February
29 January
Tūhono Rau Tangata – Masterclass
Creating Te Ao Māori Frameworks
12 February
Tūhono Rau Tangata – Mātanga talk
Wini Geddes
5 March
Tūhono Rau Tangata – Mātanga talk
Dr. Awanui Te Huia
20 March
Hui Hihiri
Kanapu National Online Wānanga
7 April
Te Ako Rau – Hōtaka 6 starts
Finishes 19 May
30 April
Tūhono Rau Tangata – Masterclass
Where is your data?
4 June
Tūhono Rau Tangata – Mātanga talk
To be confirmed
The only Māori Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) in Aotearoa
Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) created the Kanapu initiative specifically to ignite flax roots Māori talent in research, science and innovation. NPM has a national network of Māori researchers spanning all major disciplinary fields and Kanapu is a crucial arm within this network. NPM’s vision is to create foundations for flourishing Māori futures and bring about transformative change for our communities and Aotearoa.