Tūhono Rau Tangata masterclasses are a new offering in 2024. Mātanga will discuss priority areas across RRSIT – Rangahau, Research, Science (Pūtaiao), Innovation (Auaha) and Technology (Hangarau) spaces. These masterclasses are designed to deepen understanding along with doses of practical expertise and know-how to build capability among Māori whether that be in hapori, at marae, hapū or iwi settings or in tertiary and educational institutions, kura, and corporate spaces.
Upcoming Masterclasses
Ngāti Tiipa,
Ngāti Tahinga,
Ngāti Āmaru
Wednesday 30 April 2025, 12:00 – 2:30 pm
Vanessa Clark
Where is your data?
Vanessa will focus mainly on data of and for the collective and offer practical suggestions for being a good kaitiaki and aiding in mokopuna decision-making. This includes understanding shared levels of kaitiakitanga associated with different types of data such as whānau and whakapapa data, reconstituted data from public sources and/or generating new data through rangahau, research, science and innovation-type mahi.
At the end of the Masterclass, you will be equipped with practical advice, a deeper sense of data kaitiakitanga approaches for the collective and questions to ask of yourself, the collective and funders as part of your next steps.
Ngāti Porou,
Ngāti Kahungunu,
Te Aowera,
Ngāti Pahauwera, Rongomaiwahine,
Rakai Paaka
Te Pakakohi,
Ngāti Ruanui,
Te Arawa,
Hāmoa, Tonga
Wednesday 2 July 2025, 12:00 – 2:30 pm
Whare Kupenga-Keefe & Hinerangi Edwards
He Kura Nō Te Ao Atua
He Kura Nō Te Ao Atua is a unique resource created that has re-coded careers through Atua knowledge systems. He Kura explores multiple paths our whānau can take in their careers, whānau plans, community kaupapa and a broad range of spheres.
Join Whare Kupenga-Keefe and Hinerangi Edwards from AATEA Solutions, who developed this resource, to discover how He Kura Nō Te Ao Atua can be used in classrooms, in workplaces and at home at your marae or kāinga. Participants will receive a digital copy of the resource at this masterclass and a new resource that has been developed for Kanapu based on He Kura Nō Te Atua.

Highlights from previous Masterclasses
Data and privacy: We care about your privacy. Personal information and responses entered on this form will be stored securely in Aotearoa and will not be shared beyond our preferred data storage host, Kanapu and AATEA Solutions.
Wānanga sessions will be recorded and shared online. There is no obligation to use your name, camera or audio.