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Kanapu is a Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga initiative that is designed by Māori, for Māori to ignite Māori talent and leadership across te ao Māori in research, science and innovation spaces; on marae, within hapū and iwi mahi, and throughout our hapori in the cities. Māori are fundamental to a vibrant research, science, innovation (RSI) system.

Kanapu means lightning.  It sets the scene to strike at the obstacles that block Māori pathways and transform how Māori collaboratively engage through connecting Māori to Māori, retaining kaimahi and accelerating success. Haruru ana te ao – reverberation –  is the consequence and transformation of the system-wide energy states across the RSI sector as Māori potential is enabled.

Kaupapa in 2024

Te Ako Rau: Mentoring programme | Tūhono Rau Tangata: Mātanga talks | Te Papa Ako: Case studies

Uematarau is a programme of activities for grassroots Māori collectives in the early stages of developing mātauranga Māori-based kaupapa in pūtaiao (science), rangahau (research) or auaha (innovation). If that’s you, participating in Uematarau will assist you to get off the ground faster so that you can better serve your communities’ aspirations.

Find out more about Uematarau 2024

Hui Hihiri
National Online Wānanga | Returning in 2025

Hui Hihiri is a National Online Wānanga to share, see, and hear first-hand from our people about their aspirations for Māori workforce development in rangahau, pūtaiao and auaha-related spaces that are grounded in mātauranga Māori. Hui Hihiri will return in 2025.

Find out more about Hui Hihiri and watch videos from previous wānanga here.

Whakapā Mai | Contact

Postal Address:

Pouhere Kanapu | Executive Director Kanapu,
University of Waikato,
Private Bag 3105,
Hamilton 3240

Phone Number:

022 088 1276

Email Address:

He pātai tāu? Do you have a question for us?

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