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Te Ako Rau is a free, online mentoring programme for grassroots Māori collectives (rōpū) to shape or consolidate their Rangahau, Research, Pūtaiao (Science), Auaha (Innovation) or Hangarau (Technology) initiatives. This programme provides an opportunity for whānau Māori to learn in a safe space, level up and connect with mātanga who can assist them to strengthen their kaupapa.

Upcoming Hōtaka



Frequently asked questions

What is involved?

The programme involves six 90-minute wānanga each week for six weeks. 

When is it?

The programme’s six wānanga are held online each week, on Monday evenings from 7:00pm – 8:30pm. Wānanga are subject to change slightly when a public holiday falls on a Monday.

What do you need from us?

Te Ako Rau is free to attend, so we only require an investment of your time. We ask that you and your rōpū members commit to attending all wānanga within your control. You can register up to five people under the same collective to support one another throughout the programme, even if you all have separate kaupapa.

During these wānanga, rōpū will receive mentoring on:

  • Clarity of vision
  • Legal structures
  • Mātauranga Māori & Intellectual Property
  • Accounting and taxes
  • Funding and sustainability
  • Governance, roles and responsibilities
  • Conceptual frameworks
  • The process of rangahau
  • Mobilising support for your kaupapa

Does it matter if we have only just started?

Each hōtaka is tailored to the needs of rōpū and are commonly split into two groupings:

  • Early stage rōpū – who may be in the process of establishing a legal entity or have recently established themselves as a legal entity (less than a year).
  • Established rōpū – Have operated as a legal entity for more than a year.

Are we eligible for Te Ako Rau?

Te Ako Rau is suitable for anyone seeking to grow their knowledge and build capability to develop their kaupapa. You can apply as an individual or a rōpū (group of two or more people) if you would like more of your collective, whānau or hapori to come along as well.

What happens after the programme?

Te Ako Rau+ is a follow-on support package that aims to keep the momentum after the mentoring programme finishes. Valued at $3,500, this package supports and accelerates Te Ako Rau rōpū to achieve their next 1-2 steps.

Who has joined us in previous hōtaka: 

  • Whakapapa-based collectives wanting to do research about their hapū
  • Creators of urban māra kai initiatives
  • Taiao restoration collectives
  • Rōpū of rangatahi on a mission to reclaim mātauranga
  • Māori data scientists
  • Early career researchers from across the motu
  • Whānau with a trust
  • Creators of rauemi, products and/or services


Data and privacy: We care about your privacy. Personal information and responses entered on this form will be stored securely in Aotearoa and will not be shared beyond our preferred data storage host, Kanapu and AATEA Solutions.

Wānanga will be recorded but only shared with rōpū from that specific hōtaka through a private, password-protected webpage. There is no obligation to use your name, camera or audio.